To believe it or not, I haven’t still finalized my ALA schedule. Â The ALA Annual Conference is so big and offers so many different programs, presentations, and discussion meetings that it is hard to pick in advance exactly what schedule one will follow. Below is a list of programs that I am likely to attend plus a few programs in which I am participating.
Am I missing any great program? (It is very likely.) Â If so, please let me know!
June 24, Friday
9 am -3 pm  Emerging Leaders Training
3 pm – 4 pm  Emerging Leaders Poster Session
: I am doing a poster session with my colleagues in Team M of the 2011 class of Emerging Leaders. The project we have worked on for a year is “Branding LITA: A Market Identity for the 21st Century†Come check out what ideas our team came up with. If you are active and/or interested in LITA, you may drop by and throw us some ideas! More information on the project:
5:30 pm – 8 pm  LITA Happy Hour
Howlin’ Wolf Den, 907 S. Peters St. New Orleans, Louisiana
10 pm – Midnight  ALA Dance Party
: I am planning to go only if I find some company who will focus more on drinking than dancing. So hopefully there would be non-dancing but dance-watching librarians…
June 25, Saturday
8 am – 12 pm  LITA Board of Directors Meeting
: Of course, I am not on LITA board of directors. I am going with my Team M of the 2011 class of Emerging Leaders to present our project outcome to the LITA board of directors. They will eventually decide what ideas and suggestions in our proposal LITA will adopt and implement for LITA branding and marketing in the future. We are going to be there probably not for an entire duration of the meeting.
So some other things I can run to when I am out of the board meeting are:
10:30 am – 12 pm LITA IG Chairs Meeting
: I am hoping to get some ideas about how to make an IG meeting more active and open to virtual participation at this meeting.  I am chairing Mobile Computing IG and  have been experimenting with an IG meeting as a venue for short presentation and informal discussion that is not restricted by the strict ALA program proposal deadline which usually requires submitting a topic almost a year in advance. Maybe there are more ways to make an IG meeting fun and useful. We will see. I am also kind of hoping to catch up with what  some of other LITA IGs are doing. Because of time conflict, I rarely can attend more than a few LITA IG meetings.
But I may not survive too many business meetings. So I may go to:
10:30 am – 12 pm  ACRL President’s program “President’s Program: From Idea to Innovation to Implementation: How Teams Make it Happen (ACRL)â€
10:30 am – 12 pm  “The Discovery Payoff: Are discovery services increasing ROI and the library’s prominence in academic institutions .â€
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm ACRL New Members Discussion Group
: This is an excellent place for library school students or new librarians. It’s a small group discussion and the atmosphere is very informal. You can ask any dumb questions about ALA, ACRL, academic libraries, job market, and any and everything else that budding and new librarians care about. This year, ACRL New Members Discussion Group has a panel discussion program “Learn about Tenure: what does faculty or non-faculty status mean for new librarians?†
4 pm – 5:30 pm  Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Information Science
: I find it fascinating how the interests of library and information science seems to overlap somehow with the imagination of sci-fi. And of course, it helps that I read certain sci-fi authors or series quite avidly such as Olson Scott Card’s Ender series.
I will be writing a short blog post for American Libraries after attending this session.
7 pm – 9 pm Newbie & Veteran Librarian Tweet-Up
: It’s a party time! Come to the Newbie & Veteran Librarian Tweet-up. It’s one of my most favorite social activities at ALA. If you are new and knows no one, this is a place to start! No invitation, no RSVP required though appreciated (  Just come and join the library crowd. Everyone fits right in.  :- )
9 pm – 11 pm Facebook After-Hours Social
: Even more fun continues from the tweet-up to the Facebook After-Hours Social.
June 26, Sunday
8 am – 10 am  Lost in Translation: the Emerging Technology Librarian & the New Technology
:  I will be serving as a panelist on this panel discussion program. This program was planned as an extension to the last year’s ALA program that I have moderated “What is Your Library Doing about Emerging Technologies?†We will talk about four common problems and issues that libraries often encounter in adopting and implementing emerging technology projects, solicit opinions and thoughts from attendees, and come up with solutions and helpful ideas together through open discussion between the panel and attendees.
10:30 am – Noon LITA Mobile Computing Interest Group Meeting
: Â I am chairing LITA Mobile Computing Interest Group and very excited about this meeting. Â Four wonderful presentations are lined up as well as interesting discussion topics. This is not an official ALA program but you can see the presentations and discussion ideas here: Â If you are interested in mobile computing, you must check this out.
1:30 pm – 3:30 pm  Top Technology Trends
4 pm – 5:30 pm Where We Are, Where We Are Heading: The Presidential Task Force on Equitable Access to Electronic Content Update
5:30 pm -6 pm ALA Advocacy Flash Mob and Freeze at Jackson Sq.
: You are not going to miss this. Are you? Wear the Librarian T-Shirt!
6 pm  ACRL-Health Science IG Social
7 pm  ACRL-STS Dinner
June 27, Monday
8-10am One of these will be the place I will end up with after much agony of choice:
Coffee and Conversation with Experts
Emerging Technologies Interest Group
Innovation in an Age of Limits (ACRL STS)
The Business of Social Media: How to Plunder the Treasure Trove
1:30 pm -3:30 pm Public Awareness Committee
Then flight back home!
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