Information Overload & Personal Information Management

I am very excited to present at ALA 2010 Annual Conference LITA BIGWIG Social Software Showcase. The topic I am presenting is Information Overload & Personal Information Management.  I know that it is not anything fancy or something that would satisfy your techno-lust.  But there is a lot to think about libraries and information overload, which has quickly become part of our daily life.  Whether we like it or not, information overload is the everyday reality that all of us including library users, now have to cope with and manage.  The traditional library systems, programs, and services, on the other hand, have been slow in moving towards acknowledging and addressing the new needs of library users who suffer from information fatigue and are ready to “satisfice” as a result.

Curious? Come join the BIGWIG Showcase on Monday, June 28, 2010 from 10:30 am to Noon at the Renaissance Washington Grand BR South/Central.

About Bohyun (Library Hat)

Bohyun Kim is the Associate University Librarian for Library Information Technology at the University of Michigan Library. Formerly, she was the Chief Technology Officer and Professor at the University of Rhode Island Libraries.
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2 Responses to Information Overload & Personal Information Management

  1. Excellent slides! I really wish I could go to ALA and stop by the showcase.

    Do you recommend any particular tools for personal information management?

  2. Library Hat says:

    Thanks! Almost all PIM tools are defective in the sense that they are task-oriented and do not offer support at the level of projects where information we gather is given context and actual use. So I don’t know what to recommend! But small improvements in PIM tools can make a big change. Gmail’s threaded messages are one of such cases.

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