Category Archives: e-Book

Good Design: Pleasing to the Eyes “and” Functional

*** This post has been originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Mar. 13, 2013. *** Many librarians work with technology even if their job titles are not directly related to technology. Design is somewhat similar to technology in that aspect. … Continue reading

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A bad business model or a savvy market strategy? Thinking like a vendor

I want to talk about an e-book platform called Inkling whose web version is not cross-browser compatible. But what I am really interested to talk about is neither an ebook platform nor its cross-browser support. I am interested in thinking … Continue reading

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About the Merit of an e-Reader as a Single-Purpose Device

Despite the popularity of an e-book reader, I was never really tempted to purchase a Nook or a Kindle.  I figured since I have an iPad, it would be completely pointless to own and use a e-book reader, which I … Continue reading

Posted in Books, e-Book, Library, Technology, Usability | Tagged , , , , , , | 2 Comments

After Two days with an iPad

So finally it came. The long-awaited iPad. I got this as a birthday present from my husband.  So  I can’t really say that I was committed to purchase this gadget myself.  I doubt if I would have spent that much … Continue reading

Posted in e-Book, Library, Technology, Web | Tagged | 2 Comments

Does Your Library Have a Vision on e-Books?

I have to say I have a love-hate relationship with e-books. I love the idea of e-books. No matter where I am, I can instantly access it and start reading it on an electronic device. That’s great. As an expatriate, … Continue reading

Posted in e-Book, Library, Technology | 2 Comments