Tag Archives: Kindle

Good Design: Pleasing to the Eyes “and” Functional

*** This post has been originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Mar. 13, 2013. *** Many librarians work with technology even if their job titles are not directly related to technology. Design is somewhat similar to technology in that aspect. … Continue reading

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Making Library e-Books on the e-Book Reader Visible

***  This post has been originally posted to the ACRL TechConnect blog. *** Browsing Experience in the Virtual vs. the Physical Space However entangled our lives are in virtual spaces, it is in the physical space that we exist. For this … Continue reading

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About the Merit of an e-Reader as a Single-Purpose Device

Despite the popularity of an e-book reader, I was never really tempted to purchase a Nook or a Kindle.  I figured since I have an iPad, it would be completely pointless to own and use a e-book reader, which I … Continue reading

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