Category Archives: Librarianship

From Need to Want: How to Maximize Social Impact for Libraries, Archives, and Museums

At the NDP at Three event organized by IMLS yesterday, Sayeed Choudhury on the “Open Scholarly Communications” panel suggested that libraries think about return on impact in addition to return on investment (ROI). He further elaborated on this point by … Continue reading

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Post-Election Statements and Messages that Reaffirm Diversity

These are statements and messages sent out publicly or internally to re-affirm diversity, equity, and inclusion by libraries or higher ed institutions. I have collected these – some myself and many others through my fellow librarians. Some of them were … Continue reading

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Finding the Right Words in Post-Election Libraries and Higher Ed

** This post was originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Nov. 15, 2016.*** This year’s election result has presented a huge challenge to all of us who work in higher education and libraries. Usually, libraries, universities, and colleges do not … Continue reading

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Do You Feel Inadequate? For Hard-Working Overachievers

I have not been a very diligent blog writer in the year of 2013. So on the last day of 2013, I decided to write a post. I thought about writing a post with the title of “Adieu 2013!” but … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Librarianship, Library, Technology | Tagged , , , , | 4 Comments

Suzanne Briet’s Document Antelop in Celebration of Ada Lovelace Day

**This is part of the blog bomb that all the librarians at LibTechWomen planned and I am excited to participate. : )  Find more posts celebrating Briet today in Twitter with #briet**   In celebration of Ada Lovelace Day, I … Continue reading

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10 Practical Tips for Compiling Your Promotion or Tenure File

 This post was originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Sep. 23, 2013. If you work at an academic library, you may count as faculty. Whether the faculty status comes with a tenure track or not, it usually entails a more … Continue reading

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What to Do with a Professional Association (with LITA as an example)

Many of us – librarians – are members of some professional organizations. We tend to join one and pay dues every year but don’t do much about or with those organizations beyond that. But that would be probably not the … Continue reading

Posted in ALA, Continuing Education, Librarianship | Tagged , | 2 Comments

Making Your Work Hours Less Stressful and More Productive by Sitting Less

I recently read this article “Sitting Is the Smoking of Our Generation” from Harvard Business Review Blog recently. And I couldn’t agree more. Like many, I spend long hours at the desk ‘sitting’. I sometimes sit all my eight hours … Continue reading

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Effectively Learning How To Code: Tips and Resources

*** This post has been originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Dec. 10, 2012. *** Librarians’ strong interest in programming is not surprising considering that programming skills are crucial and often essential to making today’s library systems and services more … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Continuing Education, Librarianship, presentation | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Tips for Everyone Doing the #codeyear

***   This post has been originally posted to the ACRL TechConnect blog.  *** Learn to Code in 2012! If you are a librarian interested in learning how to code, 2012 is a perfect year for you to start the … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Librarianship, Library, Technology, Web | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments