Category Archives: management

From Need to Want: How to Maximize Social Impact for Libraries, Archives, and Museums

At the NDP at Three event organized by IMLS yesterday, Sayeed Choudhury on the “Open Scholarly Communications” panel suggested that libraries think about return on impact in addition to return on investment (ROI). He further elaborated on this point by … Continue reading

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How to Price 3D Printing Service Fees

** This post was originally published in ACRL TechConnect on May. 22, 2017.*** Many libraries today provide 3D printing service. But not all of them can afford to do so for free. While free 3D printing may be ideal, it … Continue reading

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Post-Election Statements and Messages that Reaffirm Diversity

These are statements and messages sent out publicly or internally to re-affirm diversity, equity, and inclusion by libraries or higher ed institutions. I have collected these – some myself and many others through my fellow librarians. Some of them were … Continue reading

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Finding the Right Words in Post-Election Libraries and Higher Ed

** This post was originally published in ACRL TechConnect on Nov. 15, 2016.*** This year’s election result has presented a huge challenge to all of us who work in higher education and libraries. Usually, libraries, universities, and colleges do not … Continue reading

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Management is Not the Decision-Making Team

While reading the post below, this caught my eye.  What do you think? Would this apply to libraries as in software development industry? “The “management team” isn’t the “decision making” team. It’s a support function. You may want to call … Continue reading

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Making Years of Service Meaningful – My thought on #hlth

By now, I believe almost everyone in the library-land would have heard about the Harvard Libraries Town Hall meeting debacle. (If not, see this post by Tom Bruno.) Like everyone else, I don’t have an inkling about whether the reorganization … Continue reading

Posted in Continuing Education, Librarianship, Library, management | Tagged , , , | 2 Comments

Library and IT – Synergy or Distrust?

In my previous blog post, I asked why libraries are not actively encouraging those who are novice coders among library staff to further develop their coding skills. I was surprised to see so many comments. I was even more surprised … Continue reading

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What is your management style?

Jenica Rogers wrote a thoughtful post today about management at her blog, Attempting Elegance. In her post, “Lessons Learned: Micromanaging,” she reflects on her management style as a new library director. She talks about how her personal strength and talent … Continue reading

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